Madaripur (Town) consists of 9 wards and 33 mah***as. The area of the town is 34.81 km². It has a population of 54867; male 50.69%, female 49.31%. The density of population is 1576 per km². Literacy rate among the town people is 66.1%. Madaripur is famous for date molasses.Before a few years Madaripur was famous for Jute business and Jute industry, This was introduced before 1970 by one of the wealthiest Person A.R Howlader.After the independence of Bangladesh,Government seized all large private industry and formed BJMC the industry then became sick.Local political leaders are generated by that Jute mill. Because of this madaripur was one of the well known place, which attracted many business man. It provided many jobs and comfort to the local peoples. After its success just before 2000, the business started to lose its profits.